Monday, January 17, 2011

~Sweet Pea Organics Review and Giveaway~ **CLOSED**

Sweet Pea Organics sent us a fun sample pack to try out!

It came at a great time! I was just needing a new cooler bag for our trip to mom group that day since I couldn't find my other cooler. The t-shirt is a size 2 and looks cute! Plus I got 4 bags of snack goodies to try out!

The first thing we tried out was the teething biscuits. (Brown cookies in the front.) My daughter loved them! She's a super picky eater, so I'm sold on any health food she is willing to eat! I also wanted her to try them since I am allergic to sunflower seeds, I needed to see if she was too. And what better food to try than a homemade organic food! These are wheat and dairy free. She still asks me for more cookies! :-)

Teething Biscuits Ingredients:
Organic Oat Flour
Organic Sunflower Oil
Organic Oat Milk
Organic Agave Nectar
Organic Apple Sauce

The next thing we tried was the kid protein bars. (Pictured on the left of the cooler). Since I was not able to test out the kid protein bars myself (also allergic to nuts and do not have a child older than 2) I had a few adults try it out and a few older children of friends. The kids liked it! It is all raw ingredients. (Not cooked). They particularly liked the bites with fruit. The adults stated it was yummy if you got a bit of fruit and a little bitter with no fruit. One suggested to add an orange tang to the whole thing for a bit more flavor. But the kids gobbled their up. I gave the rest to some friends for their kids to try later.

Organic Quinoa
Organic Oats
Organic Dried Cranberries
Organic Beet Powder
Organic Almond Milk
Organic Sesame seeds
Organic Pecans
Organic Brown rice syrup

Then I thought it would be a good idea to try the toddler protein bars. My daughter is a "snacker" between every meal, and doesn't eat much so I thought the protein bars would be great for her to try! We also needed to test her allergy to nuts and it contains almond milk. But RIGHT before we could try them, a friend accidentally gave her some peanut butter snacks and we found out she has a slight allergy to peanuts (which is my strongest allergy). So I'm afraid we will have to try regular nuts in a few months to see if those give her a reaction too. Which, sweet pea does sell nut free toddler protein bars I think I might have her try instead! She needs some good healthy snacks. So, those we had some friends kids test, which all the kids thought they were yummy! The rest I gave away again for friends to try at home.

Toddler Protein Bars Ingredients:
Organic Quinoa
Organic Sunflower Oil
Organic Agave Nectar
Organic Beet Powder
Organic Rice Milk
1.4 Grams of Protein in Each Bar

"Sweet Pea Organics is based on the idea that a life well lived is one that is simple, balanced and pure. These simple baby & toddler recipes were designed to bring you the basic building blocks of life in a convenient and fun way. Of course they are made with the finest organic ingredients, but know that the most important ingredient in any recipe is the love with which it is prepared. Sweet Pea Organics, made from the freshest and nutrient-rich foods available, with an extra heap of love on top for good measure! Grace, Sweet Pea & Jujube"

They have also said they will give one lucky winner the same package I received, pictured above!

Useful links:
Sweet Pea Organics website
TNS Family Value[s] on Facebook
TNS Family Value[s] on Twiiter
Sweet Pea Organics on Facebook

Use the entry form below to enter! Open until Monday, 1/24/2011.

*All prizes are the responsibility of the sponsor to send.*

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