Tuesday, February 1, 2011

~MotherLove Herbal Company Review and Giveaway~ **CLOSED**

MotherLove Herbal Company let me pick out a few items to try. I was glad for the opportunity because my daughter currently had a diaper rash and it's winter here, so my hands are drying and cracking like crazy! So I chose the green salve and the diaper rash and thrush cream.

A little about MotherLove. *Copied from their website*

As the first herbal personal care and supplement line specifically designed for pregnant and breastfeeding women, Motherlove has led the holistic body care industry since its conception in 1990. Our dedication to consistent quality means crafting only the finest, purest products, and using certified organic ingredients designed to nurture, soothe and heal women on their all-important journey of nurturing life. Each of our formulas are time proven and backed with integrity, wisdom and an intimate knowledge of herbal remedies.

Committed to our customers and setting a better-business example, Motherlove follows the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) set forth by the AHPA and the FDA. To ensure the utmost quality and consumer protection, we retain samples from every batch and have a computerized tracking system to follow any bottle sold. Our herbal supplements are made in an FDA registered, GMP certified facility. Before we place an order for an ingredient we receive a certificate of analysis and a sample. The certificate of analysis from the supplier shows test results for coliforms, salmonella, yeast & mold, bacterial plate count, heavy metals and pesticide residue. Herb samples are evaluated for color, smell and strength before approval. The finished product is then tested by an independent lab for bacteria, coliforms and heavy metals. Along with certificates of analysis for each ingredient and each lot number, we also have on file the certified organic, kosher and certified cruelty free documentation for our products.

As a major supporter of organic farming and sustainable practices, Motherlove strives to do not only do what's best for mothers and babies, but what's best for the environment as well. All our office supplies and packaging is made from recycled materials (as is all company literature), we manufacture using wind credits, and of course, none of our products are ever tested on animals and are completely cruelty free.

We also believe in supporting the social environment with our Nurturing Life Foundation, which promotes breastfeeding and supports mothers-in-need nationwide. Over 10% of all Motherlove Herbal Company's profits are donated to organizations that truly help nurture life, like The Maternal Wellness Center, Realities for Children and The Mountain Park Environmental Center.

My Expierence:

My green salve and diaper rash & thrush creams, and what they look like.

Green Salve:
This all natural versatile salve quickly and effectively takes the itch out of insect bites, bee stings and poison ivy. It soothes and eases the discomforts of rashes, chapped and irritated skin. A must for every home! Motherlove’s green salve has a zero rating (zero toxins) on EWG’s skin deep database and is made with 100% certified organic ingredients.

Diaper Rash and Thrush:
An all-natural herbal salve for persistent, inflamed diaper rash. Diaper safe and compatible with all diapers including cloth. Motherlove’s diaper rash & thrush has a zero rating (zero toxins) on EWG’s skin deep database and is made with 96% certified organic ingredients.

  I immediately applied both creams the day I got them! My hands were SO dry and cracked from all this winter weather, and my daughter (if you've read my blog posts earlier) had diarrhea, so a diaper rash was bound to happen.

I applied them each every night for a few days. Within the first 24-48 hours, my daughters tushy redness was all gone! I felt better using these items on her since they are organic/natural products. It took about 72 hours for my hands to start improving.
Overall I think the MotherLove products are wonderful! The only downside I found to them was they felt, looked and smelt like you were applying pure olive oil (since it is the main ingredient!).
  I also liked them since they work with my CLOTH DIAPERS! Allot of creams and salves can damage cloth. I was SO glad I didn't have to use 'sposies for these.

BUY IT: You can go to http://www.motherlove.com/category/Products.html to check out all their great products! Diaper rash cream costs $9.95 for a 1oz bottle (it goes a LONG way!) or $8.95 for the green salve. (Same size, and lasts a long time!)

WIN IT: MotherLove is offering my fans one of your choice! If you win, you get to pick either of these items I reviewed above! Just use the form below to enter. Giveaway open until 2/08/11.

Helpful links:
MotherLove Website
MotherLove on Facebook
MotherLove on Twitter
TNS Family Value[s] on Facebook
TNS Family Value[s] on Twitter

1 comment:

  1. http://www.herbs-wholesale.com/brand/mother-love.html
    Grateful for contribute to such information I’ll pass it on to my friends.
